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Solemn opening of the Info Point Centre in Tetovo

Tetovo, 10 September 2014 (Wednesday) – The Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia (ECNWM), in partnership with the State Office for Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia and the General Directorate for Patents and Trademarks of the Republic of Macedonia, today made a solemn opening of the Info Point Centre in Tetovo, which is set to function under the Project "Protect Marks of CBC Products” implemented within the Third Call for cross-border cooperation between Macedonia and Albania, under IPA 2007-2013 Programme, funded by the European Union.

At the opening ceremony the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia was represented by a delegation headed from the industrial property State Adviser Mr. Ali Asani. Also, at the ceremony participated representatives of the companies that are member of the ECNWM, Non Governmental Organizations, Universities, Mayors of the municipality of Tetovo and Tearce as well as representatives from the EU Delegation in Skopje.

The event was opened by the ECNWM President, Mr. Menderes Kuçi and Mrs. Teuta Arifi, Mayor of the municipality of Tetovo
This Project is to be implemented in the Polog and South-West regions of Macedonia, covering the towns of: Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar, Kichevo, Struga and Ohrid from Macedonian side, as well as Korcha and Diber from Albanian side. The Project was launched on 2 June 2014, and shall run until 2 December 2015, which is total of 18 months.

The solemn opening was finalised with tape-cutting for opening of the Info Point Centre in Tetovo.

