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IT maintenance: trade marks and industrial designs databases not updated

Dear users, 

Please be informed that our trade mark and industrial desing databases published on our web site have not been updated since November 2021. 

A failure in the IT systems and services has occurred, and therefore our databases and search modules are not updated. Please note, the above mentioned failure has affected the updating service of TMview and DESIGNview

The Global Brand and Global Design databases are not affected by the above mentioned system failure, therefore we would like to encourage you to use temporarily these databases until we resolve the problem. We are fully aware that the amount of published data is limited but the main bibliographic data is reflected there. 

The patent database iand related services to the Federated patent register are not affected. 

Our IT team is working to solve the problem and soon we are going to restore the services. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

