The Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia (ECNWM) held an inception meeting on the Project: “Protect Marks of CBC Products” which is to be implemented in collaboration with the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia and the General Directorate of Patents and Trademarks of the Republic of Albania, as part of the 3rd bid for cross-border cooperation between Macedonia and Albania, within the frames of the EU-funded 2013 IPA Programme.
This Project is to be implemented in the Polog and South-West regions of Macedonia, covering the towns of: Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar, Kichevo, Struga and Ohrid from Macedonian side, as well as Korcha and Diber from Albanian side. The Project was launched on 2 June 2014, and shall run until 2 December 2015, which is total of 18 months.
The President of the Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, Mr. Menderes Kuçi opened the event with a welcome speech. He spoke of the Project and advantages the trademark protection brings to companies.
“Our objective is to raise the awareness of the companies on the industrial protection within their long-term activities, as well as the product protection through certifying the trademark, as an opportunity to resist to the harsh global competition”, stated inter alia the ECNWM President.
Mr. Ali Asani, State Councillor in the State Office of Industrial Property of the Republic of Macedonia spoke before the present representatives of the companies and other guests more into details of State Office data, as well as he explained the procedures for trademark and patent protection.
The Project was presented by Ms. Mirushe Xheladini, who is the Project Coordinator. She presented the objectives, activities, target groups and results expected from the Project.