Designation of origin product used to protect the geographical identity of the product whose main characteristics are largely determined by the place or region where they are produced , where these characteristics are obtained nat.. read more...
PDOs can get natural products , agricultural products , industrial and zanaetchiskiproizvodi and handicrafts . read more...
The application can be submitted by a state body , local administrative authority or manufacturer . read more...
Appellation of origin is a collective right and can be used by legal entities and individuals that produce product for which a particular designation of origin and that such authorized users of the mark of origin , are entered in .. read more...
The procedure for recognition of the mark of origin begins with a written request for approval to the protection of geographical name of the product . The procedure is determined by the Law on Industrial Property ( Official Gazett.. read more...
The National Institute of Industrial Property ( SIPO ) . read more...
The procedure for approval of the right to use the appellation of origin begins with a request from a legal or natural person . The procedure is determined by the Law on Industrial Property ( Official Gazette No. 42 /93 of 07.15.1.. read more...
The person entered in the regosterot users mark of origin , date of entry , it becomes an authorized user and thereby allowed the right to use the designation of origin 5 years from the date of entry . This right can be extended i.. read more...
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