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Procedure for examination and grand of a patent

After submission of the application for grant of a patent in the State Industrial property rights are examined regularity of application ie whether the application has all the content that is provided by law:

  • request for grant of patent
  • name or name and domicile or head office of the applicant
  • description of the invention and one or more patent claims

If the application is correct , GA Office determined the date of filing the application with the applicant acquires a right of priority .

The application is then entered in the register of patent applications .

Once the above is completed , the patent examiners of the State Office of Industrial Property shall examine the reports submitted as follows:
First formally examine the application to determine whether it is paid the required fee , if the translation is delivered if the application is in a foreign language , drawings and proper authorization for representation if the application is filed through a representative.

If the conditions are met then spends the next phase of testing which checks whether the application has all the ingredients that a patent should have and checked ( by description , patent claims and drawings) whether the subject of the application is that may be patentable . In case flaws Office shall inform the applicant to remove them.

If all conditions are met concludes Office and notify them afraid publication costs of patent costs and publication of the patent document . Once these costs will be paid for Resolution Office shall grant the patent and shall notify the holder of the right . Data from the decision published in the Official Gazette of the Office

Last updated 02.09.2013